[PREMIUM] Personalized recommendations Now discover the personalized recommendations (especially about your horse’s balance)! These indications compare the data of your last session with those of the previous one. You can therefore analyze in detail the evolution of your horse. These recommendations also help you to interpret the Alogo Move Pro data: Is it a positive …

Discover the latest Alogo Move Pro’s features for 2022!
We have at heart to satisfy all the riders and horses as well as their entourage. For this, we are continuously developing new features to meet the needs of everyone and to simplify the data interpretation. Discover now the last updates of the Alogo application for the beginning of 2022! Sharing your sessions with your …

Alogo App: What do the new indicators “gauges” mean?
For a few days, gauges have appeared on the Alogo application. (If it is not the case, do not delay updating your application to benefit from these new indicators!) The balance gauges They allow you to have an overview of the evolution of your horse’s balance between your last 2 sessions. They also highlight the …

More new features on the Alogo App!
A few months ago, we already introduced new technical and practical features to our interfaces. (You can read and re-read the dedicated article here.) Each new feature is added to all your sessions, including the oldest ones. Don’t forget to update your Alogo App to benefit from them! In this second half of the year …

Alogo Move Pro Scientific Validation!
Last winter, as we already have talked about on our different social networks, we organized in NPZ Bern the scientific validation of the Alogo Move Pro’s data accuracy by comparing it with the data from one of the most renowned system in the equestrian world: Qualysis (QTM – Quality Track Movement). We are waiting for …

Alogo Move Pro: A useful tool to measure evolutions…
Compare your horse’s data according to its different riders! 🔝 See the differences between a confirmed amateur jumping rider (horse’s owner) and a professional rider riding the same horse! 🤩 ⠀⠀It can be helpful for amateur riders to have references data with their horses from coaches and/or professional riders and then work together to achieve …

Flagship Feature #3 : Stride Analysis – Length & Height
Strides Length and height : Amplitude and real height of all the horse strides at each gait. Alogo Move Pro allows you to know the true amplitude and height of your horse strides. This data will guide you in the daily preparation of your horses for the competitions. How to interpret Strides length and height? …

Flagship Feature #2 : Jumps Trajectories
Real jump trajectory: Shape of the curve on the Z-axis in space during a jump. The Move Pro’s ultra-precise chip establishes the exact horse’s trajectory in space during the jumps. This trajectory is specific to each horse and varies according to many of the criteria detailed later in this article. You will therefore be able …

For decades, the entire progression of a rider and his horse towards performance, the achievement of objectives and the crossing of milestones, has been based exclusively on the rider’s feeling, the osmosis of the couple and the keen eye of the team he works with. Alogo Analysis was thus born in 2016 from this observation: …