Compare your horse’s data according to its different riders! 🔝
See the differences between a confirmed amateur jumping rider (horse’s owner) and a professional rider riding the same horse! 🤩 ⠀
It can be helpful for amateur riders to have references data with their horses from coaches and/or professional riders and then work together to achieve the same!🎖️
Even if you’re not an amateur rider, your trainer, friends, clients or someone who leases, ride your horse? Discover and compare their data with yours! It’s always useful to note if your horse is consistent with everybody or if he changes depending on who works him. It’s also very interesting to observe if the problems you encounter are easily corrected with an other rider or if he has the same difficulties as you. Alogo Move Pro is here to show you the differences and/or the similarities in order to keep the good settings and improve the ones who can be improved! 💪 ⠀
There are no bad data. Each horse has their own particularities and has to be ridden in a specific way, as well as every riders are riding with more or less different manners. But Alogo Move Pro will be your true allie to find the method fitting the best with your horse according to the professionals advices and data. 👍 ⠀

What do we see on the professional rider’s ride?
The professional rider rode this horse with more energy than the amateur. Thanks to Alogo Move Pro data, the amateur rider will have the reference on what she should aim to obtain with her horse during her work sessions.
🆙 + 2cm stride height ⠀
🔛 + 45cm stride length ⠀
💥 + 0.28G (stride strike power) ⠀
Measure the impact of your different equipments on your horse! 🔭
A rider was wondering about the way her mare was moving with her current saddle. Then, we measured the impact of 2 saddles with Alogo Move Pro on her mare. The first one was her usual saddle, made for her 2 years ago. The second one was a test saddle from a competitor brand, adapted to the mare but not exactly tailor-made. The test protocol was exactly the same for both saddles: same mare and rider, similar tack except for the saddle, similar weather conditions and finally equal number, height, approach and profile of jumped obstacles. Let’s see the results below!
What did we see firstly on the global horse locomotion?
🆙 + 1cm stride height ⠀
🔛 + 3cm stride length ⠀
💥 + Strike power increased⠀
With the test saddle (data on the right phone here), we observe that this mare’s locomotion is much better: more allante, airy and dynamic than with the other saddle (data recorded on the left phone). The loan saddle gives more freedom to her shoulders and back which allows a clear improvement in the quality of her movements.

Here, we can also observe that the mare repeat exactly her jumps with the second saddle (on the right phone above). The different trajectories are superimposed on each other (there are only 3 « groups » depending on the height of the bars and the profile of the obstacle but the majority of the curves are similar). They overlap so regularly (on the right) that one might think that there are fewer jumps made than on the left, while on both sides we have 12 jumps! 🤝
Once again, we note that strike power, jump length and height increased with the second saddle! 📈
It’s interesting to see that the rider’s feeling matched with the data recorded by our device, sometimes it’s quite difficult to know if your horse isn’t in a good period because he is injured (for this reason, stay tuned, the irregularity detection by Alogo Move Pro will arrive at the end of summer 2021! 😁 ) or because of the material you used at the moment isn’t suited for him.
With Alogo Move Pro you’re able to test your equipment and their exact impacts on your horses locomotion. In this article we took the example of the saddles but we also have cases with bits, saddle pads, etc. If you’re interested about testing yours but you don’t really know how, don’t hesitate to contact us! We could give you a testing protocol and a follow-up after the test to analyze together and for free your data recorded. 😉