- [PREMIUM] Personalized recommendations
Now discover the personalized recommendations (especially about your horse’s balance)! These indications compare the data of your last session with those of the previous one. You can therefore analyze in detail the evolution of your horse. These recommendations also help you to interpret the Alogo Move Pro data: Is it a positive change? Is it negative? Am I regular between my sessions? Read them and adapt your next riding sessions according to them…!

- Improvement of the “Trace” feature
Now analyze your horse’s jumping technique by observing where the highest point of the jump is in relation to its length. Usually, the closer it is to the beginning of the jump, the more the horse has jumped “in bell”. The further away it is, the more the horse has jumped “flat”. Ideally, and depending on the profile of the obstacle, it should be in the middle.
As a reminder, on our webapp: a colored line is a full jump, the gray surrounded dots are the start and end points of a jump and now the red dot indicates the highest point of a jump.
Analyze if your horse jumps straight: the colored lines defining a jump can now be curved if the horse does not jump straight during a jump(s)!

- New translations of our interfaces!
Our platforms are now available in Italian!

- Visual improvement and simplification of several Alogo features: balances section, similarity section (gaits and jumps), strides section, account management tab, etc.!
So, to enjoy these new features and the next ones… Don’t forget to update your Alogo app regularly! 😁